Sunday, March 08, 2015

Graphic Presentation: Kaplan-Meier Plot, Q-Q plot, Box Plot, Funnel Plot, Swimmer Plot, Forest Plot, Spaghetti Plot, Bubble Plot

Data visualization is one critical part in statistical analysis. Data visualization is through various plots. Here are some of the plots commonly used in presentation of clinical trial data. These graphs may be generated using commercially software, but they can always be programmed using SAS procedures:

Kaplan-Meier plot is used in analysis of time-to-event variables and can be easily generated using SAS Proc Lifetest.

Q-Q plot is used to compare the data set to a theoretical model (for example, comparing to a normal distribution) and normal Q-Q plot can be easily generated using Proc Univariate.

Box plot or box-and-whisker plot is used to show quartiles and display the variation in samples of a statistical population. The boxplot showes distributions of data is particularly useful for understanding the shape of the distribution and whether there are outliers. SAS has a specific procedure for box-plot – Proc Boxplot. 

Funnel plot is a graph designed to check for the existence of publication bias; funnel plots are commonly used in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. In the absence of publication bias, it assumes that the largest studies will be plotted near the average, and smaller studies will be spread evenly on both sides of the average, creating a roughly funnel-shaped distribution. Deviation from this shape can indicate publication bias.

Funnel plot can be generated using ExcelRick Wicklin's SAS blog 'The Do Loop' has discussions about generating funnel plot using SAS.

Swimmer plot is a good tool to look at an individual subject’s pattern of response. A swimmer plot is a graphical way of showing multiple pieces of a subject’s response 'story' in one glance.   Swimmer plot includes a bar showing the length of treatment duration for each patient, classified by the disease stage at baseline, one for each patient in the study.  Graph also includes indicators for the start and end of each response episode, classified by complete or partial response, and an indicator showing whether the patient is a "Durable responder".

Forest Plot is a graphical display designed to illustrate the relative strength of treatment effects in multiple quantitative scientific studies addressing the same question. It was developed for use in medical research as a means of graphically representing a metal-analysis of the results of randomized controlled clinical trials.

Forest plot is also frequently use for graphically displaying the results from subgroup analyses. For example, in a paper “Progression parameters for emphysema: A clinical investigation”, the forest plot was used to show the overall effect and the effect by site.

Forest plot may also be used for combining the meta analysis results and the subgroup analysis. In a paper by Dolor et al “Treatment Strategies for Women With Coronary Artery Disease”, the forest plot was used for showing the treatment effect of meta analysis results by male/female subgroup.

The commercial software Comprehensive Meta Analysis can easily generate the forest plot as part of the Meta Analysis. Forest Plot can also be generated using SAS Proc SGPLOT. There are many papers discussing the programming and the interpretation for the Forest Plot.
Spaghetti Plot

I had a previous article discussing Spaghetti plot. Spaghetti plot is mainly used in longitudinal data analysis to see the individual profiles in one plot and in pharmacokinetic analysis to see the time-concentration profiles for all individual subjects in one plot.
Spaghetti plot can be generated using SAS PROC SGPLOT:
proc sgplot data=cs NOAUTOLEGEND ;
    series x = timepoint y = concentration
         /group=subject lineattrs = (thickness = 1 pattern=solid color=black) markers;
    xaxis label = 'x axis label'  values=(0, 4, 8, 24, 48, 120, 168);
        yaxis label = 'y axis label' grid values = (0 to 70 by 10);
There are other discussions about generating the Spaghetti plot.

Bubble plot is a type of plot that displays three dimensions of data. Each entity with its triplet (v1, v2, v3) of associated data is plotted as a disk that expresses two of the vi values through the disk's xy location and the third through its size. Bubble charts can be considered a variation of the scatter plot, in which the data points are replaced with bubbles. 

Bubble plot is easily to be generated using Microsoft Excel (see a youtube video), but it can also be generated using SAS.

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