U.S. Conventional Units (may also be referred as United States customary units): In the United States, most people express distances in inches, feet, yards, or miles. Those units, along with the units we use for speed, volume, and other quantities, are known as the U.S. Conventional System.
SI Units or Système Internationale: The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from French: Le Système international d'unités) is the modern form of the metric system and is the world's most widely used system of measurement, used in both everyday commerce and science. Most scientists and most countries now use SI units. SI units use the meter, the kilogram, the second, and the kelvin. Each base unit measures a different quantity. For example, the meter measures length, and the kilogram measures mass.
The units of these two systems are different, but the quantities they represent do not change. The units have a fixed relationship to each other. The laboratory results reported in U.S. Conventional Units can be converted into the results in SI Units or vice versa. The relationship to convert a value from one system to the other is called conversion factor. Below are some of the websites containing the conversion factors for common laboratory tests. The SI Conversion Calculator or conversion factor table provided by JAMA Author Instructions may be the most common one that has been used.
- SI Conversion Calculator
- Clinical Analyte Unit Conversion
- SI Units for Clinical DataNormal Laboratory Values from AIDS.org
- AMA manual of style laboratory unit table
- Conventional Units - International UnitsClinical Chemistry SI Conversion Factors
The following may also be useful in understanding the different laboratory test units:
Factor Prefix Symbol for Lab Unit
10^12 tetra T
10^9 giga G
10^6 mega M
10^3 kilo k
10^(-3) milli m
10^(-6) micro µ
10^(-9) nano n
10^(-12) pico p
10^(-15) femto f
10^(-18) atto a
1 mL = 1 cc where mL is milliliter and cc stands for cubic centimeter
mg = milli gram = one-thousandth of a gram. 1 g = 1000 mg
1 mg = 1000 mcg or ug, here mc stands for "micro-" meaning "one millionth of".
In cell counts, the results may be reported as #/cumm, here cumm = mm^3 meaning per cubic millimeter.
For microbial measures (such as viral counts and viral loads), the log scale is commonly used. Microbial load (cfu/g or cfu/ml) can be expressed as log10. So, if you have 100,000 microbes that is 5 log, 10,000 microbes is 4 log, 1,000 is 3 log, 100 microbes is 2 log and 10 microbes is 1 log. Now, if you went from 100,000 microbes cfu/g to 10,000 microbes cfu/g that would be a 1 log reduction (5 - 4 log). If you went from 100,000 to 32,000 that would be a 0.5 log reduction (5 - 4.5 log) and so on.
If the microbial population went from 100,000 to 32,000 that would be a 0.5 log reduction (5 log - 4.5 log).
If the microbial population went from 100,000 to 320,000 that would be a 0.5 log increase (5.5 log - 5.0 log)
1g=100mg ??? You killed the patient!
Part of the structure of science is the means to communicate unambiguously so that others can test and replicate ones work.
A single common set of units is far less likely to create confusion and error compared to a miscellany of units.
A classic of how NOT to do something is the airlines where, for political reasons, heights are in feet, distances in km, speed in knots.I also have many suggestions about the conversion through this Unit Converter
None of the units are compatible with the others and there have been crashes where people have misunderstood which units the figures are being quoted in.
In any case,there is the problem of having a standard.
i.e what is a "foot" for example.
The difficulty of defining and maintaining standards is such that I believe that there is now only one set of standards in the world . SI
All other units are derived from those using conversion factors.
eg and inch is EXACTLY 2.54 cm by definition.
And a pound is EXACTLY 454 g by definition.
Thus no one needs to worry about holding standards for an inch or a pound etc.
Now why define one set of units then create complex conversions just to come up with a set of units that does not work well with itself?
(Try actually using imperial units in a random set of problems and you will see why we used to spend 5 years of our schooling learning about conversions..... and no longer need to do so.
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