Saturday, June 17, 2023

Regulatory Education for Industry (REdI) Annual Conference 2023 - Slides and Recordings

Early this month, FDA conducted 'Regulatory Education for Industry (REdl) Annual Conference 2023'. This annual conference provided opportunity for health care industry professionals to Learn directly from the FDA’s regulatory experts in medical product centers: drugs, devices, and biologics. The course from annual conference is designed to provide participants with a strong, basic foundation in the FDA’s regulatory requirements, and also create awareness of current activities.

All the FDA presentation can be watched on Youtube and the presentation slides are listed in the tables. 

There are two presentations by FDA statisticians: Dr Andrew Potter on "Reviewer’s Perspective on Data Collected by Wearable Digital Health Technology in Clinical Trials" and Dr John Scott on "FDA’s Implementation of the Estimand Framework and Complex Innovative Trial Design Meeting Program".

Plenary + Drugs Day 1:

Drugs Day 2: 

Leveraging Small Business and Industry Assistance (SBIA) Resources

Renu Lal

Overview of FDA Split Real Time Application Review (STAR) Pilot Program

LaShawn Schnupp

Use-Related Risk Analysis (URRA) and Human Factors (HF) Protocol Reviews: What to Submit for an Efficient Review

Lolita Sterrett

The Modernization of Clinical Trials through Digital Health Technologies (DHTs), Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs), and Point of Care Trials

Elizabeth Kunkoski

PDUFA VII Real-World Evidence

Kimberly A. Smith

New PDUFA VII Commitments: Pre-approval & Post-approval Postmarketing Requirements (PMRs)

Kathleen Weil

How CDER is Accelerating Rare Disease Cures and the PDUFA VII Rare Disease Endpoints Advancement Pilot Program

Kerry Jo Lee

Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Assessment for Expedited Programs

Paresma Patel

Best Practices for Drug Product Recalls

Doris Chin

Devices Day 1:

Devices Day 2/Biologics Day 1:

Design Considerations for Clinical Trials in Rare Diseases

Rosa Sherafat


Biologics Day 2:

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