Sunday, August 30, 2009


I am not sure how many people really know these abbreviations: DOE, IQ, OQ, PQ, PV. These are the terms used in the validation of a software or computerized systems.

DOE = Design of Experiment
IQ = Installation Qualification
OQ = Operational Qualification
PQ = Performance Qualification
PV = Process Validation

For off-the-shelf software, I have never really thought about the validation or qualification issue. I always think that the software like SAS (we use it almost daily) is just like the Miscrosoft Office. Once you install on your PC, you are ready to use.

I really learned that if the software is used for regulatory submission, certain level of validation (precisely qualification) need to be performed. There is no exception for SAS.

For SAS software, the IQ and OQ need to be performed. The instructions for the SASInstallation Qualification (IQ) and Operational Qualification (OQ) tools can be found at SAS website and at This was also mentioned in SAS quality document. SAS actually has a SOP for IQ and OC.

By digging in this issue further, the verification and validation of a software or computerized system is not a trivial task. Wikipedia has a topic discussing about verification and validation. The recent issue of DIA Global forum has an article by Chamberlain and they discussed qualification (vs validation) of the infrastructure.

However, I think that the validation for off-the-shelf software should be much simpler than a self-developed computerized system (such as an internal EDC system). FDA has a pertinent guidance about the computerized systems: Computerized systems used in clinical investigations and its old version titled "Computerized systems used in clinical trials".

CDRH also had a guidance titled "General Principles of Software Validation; Final Guidance for
Industry and FDA Staff
". This guidance indicated that the software used in medical device need to go through a full-scale validation process.


Anonymous said...

Is true that qualification is not trivial. I do not know why some parts of it are not automated. For instance each software vendor could prepare an automated script which will check if its application is installed and operates properly.
Few days ago I played with the ByteCarrot IQ/OQ Automation Utility ( and I think that in a while (currently it is in early beta phase) it can make a revolution. I wonder why noone came up with such idea before.

GCP Training said...

It's a very interesting blog.

good clinical practice course said...

It's a very interesting blog.

Clinnovo said...

Thanks for posting these blog related to SAS IQ and OQ. It will be really useful for my Job Search.